Milford, MA 01757
VICAM is a global leader in rapid diagnostic test kits and laboratory solutions for the detection of mycotoxins in cereal grains, oil seeds and other feed raw materials and finished feeds.
Powerful, precise lateral flow strip tests and immunoaffinity column sample prep tools deliver unmatched speed, precision and sustainability from field to process and laboratory.
The newly introduced Myco 5-in-1 PLUS strip test approach enables fully quantitative results for up to 6 mycotoxins in just 10 minutes - offering a simple, water-based extraction to help your operation ensure feed quality and safety while meeting sustainability goals.
The Afla-V ONE lateral flow strip test is the ONLY rapid test on the market capable of measuring aflatoxin in complete feeds and pet foods using a single, barcode-based calibration. This technology delivers five-minute results using a safe, sustainable procedure that requires no special training or expertise to obtain accurate, precise results.