Pivoting Chute DiverterVortex GlobalFor heavy-duty and/or abrasive dry bulk solid materialsDivert from one source toward two or three destinations in gravity-fed applications Request More Info Fill out the form below to request more information about Pivoting Chute DiverterMore From Vortex GlobalTitan Slide Gate™Gravity Vee DiverterRoller GatePositive seal against dust and fine powdersMaintenance GateLive-loaded wear compensating sealsLoadout EquipmentLoading spouts and filters allow facilities to meet EPA standardsQuantum Series Orifice GateValve designed specifically to handle dry bulk solidsVortex Titan Series rounded blade gateVortex self-cleaning clear action gateVortex Valves Quick Clean Orifice GateVortex Loading Solutions loading spoutsVortex Valves Titan series TLD diverterVortex Valves' Titan series TLD diverter is designed for use in gravity-flow applications in which abrasive material is diverted from one source to either two or three destinations. The TLD diverter has a shaft seal, abrasion-resistant liners and two removable access panels.Vortex Valves Titan series TLD diverter