Cobb-Vantress Cobb Academy program

The Cobb Academy program (available at from Cobb-Vantress features management guides and product supplements that provide best practices and recommendations to help maximize genetic potential. The refreshed guides and supplements are presented in a color-coded format to ensure that customers and distributors are able to easily find the information they need.

Cobb’s team updated nine pieces in total, including:

  • Broiler Management Guide
  • Cobb500 supplements:
    • Cobb500 Slow Feather Breeder Management Supplement
    • Cobb500 Slow Feather Parent Laying/Rearing Chart (available in pounds and grams)
    • Cobb500 Fast Feather Breeder Management Supplement
    • Cobb500 Fast Feather Parent Laying/Rearing Chart (available in pounds and grams)
    • Cobb500 Broiler Performance and Nutrition Supplement
  • Cobb700 supplements:
    • Cobb700 Breeder Management Supplement
    • Cobb700 Parent Laying/Rearing Chart (available in pounds and grams)
  • CobbMV Male Supplement
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