Modern packaging solutions not only offer product protection but also impress consumers with their convenience. Composite films with xtear perforation by Südpack Verpackungen GmbH & Co. KG make opening packages easy without the need for a knife or scissors. The new technology also simplifies the packaging process for food manufacturers; xtear film is compatible with all conventional packaging machines.
For senior citizens or children who need a simple way to open packaging, or for commuters who want to enjoy a quick snack – more consumers are looking for food products with easy-to-open packaging. Attractive opening solutions thus have a distinct advantage at the point of sale and stand out from the competition. Südpack, a German supplier of practical resealable packaging and opening aids, recently added the xtear tear-off perforation solution to its portfolio. This high-quality opening option does not require the use of tools.
A practical tear-off perforation, xtear allows consumers to open packaging effortlessly. It also reduces the risk of scattering the contents by opening the packaging too roughly: The packaging can be torn open in a controlled way along the perforation. This enables consumers to easily portion their snacks.
Since the introduction of xtear, Südpack has carried out a number of projects with customers, including an easy-to-open tubular bag packaging for Goldsteig mozzarella, and a multiple-chamber tray with chambers that can easily be separated along the perforation.
For food manufacturers, film that has been enhanced with xtear can be processed on standard packaging machines without additional equipment. This keeps production processes lean, and avoids further investments for Südpack customers. Südpack film specialists support customers in the design, implementation and optimization of laser perforations. Application technicians test sample films on the customers' equipment on-site.
Südpack technicians use an in-house laser system to perforate film for easy opening, targeted gas exchange, or for valves and other additional features.
The laser system processes film lengthwise or crosswise in the direction of movement or applies laser contours to the film. For laser processing, Südpack uses composite film consisting of a sealing layer and a substrate. The film's substrate is removed precisely, the barrier layer remains fully intact.