The SC Processor (SCP) line from Readco Kurimoto delivers efficient heat transfer in a compact design to transform slurries into powders and/or increase the viscosity of slurries in a single step. Continuously accepting a wide range of liquids, slurries, powders and/or wet cake, the SCP is capable of drying, cooling, degassing, crystallizing, chemically reacting, solvent recovery and other processes in uninterrupted, 24/7 operation.
The SC Processor line sets counter-rotating, hollow, twin screw shafts inside an ASME-rated, jacketed barrel while circulating a heating or cooling medium via the sealed shafts for maximum heat transfer and precise temperature control. Operating in vacuum conditions to reduce the boiling point of any liquids present, the SC Processor promotes peak energy-efficiency and safeguards temperature-sensitive materials from excessive heat history while automatically evacuating moisture.