HempMeds Hemp for Pets pet cannabidiol (CBD) product line

HempMeds Hemp for Pets pet cannabidiol (CBD) product line

Hemp for Pets by HempMeds was created to help improve the lives of all pets, from nose to tail. This line includes hemp oil applicators, tinctures, and balms for pets. 

The hemp oil applicators are available in both three and 10-gram quantities. These minimally-processed, easy-to-measure oral applicators make it easy for you to give your pets CBD orally or mix it into their food.

The hemp oil tinctures are available in one– and two-gram bottles, and contain 100 or 500 milligrams of full-spectrum CBD extract combined with medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) derived from sustainably-sourced organic coconut oil.

The hemp oil itch and hot spot balm is a beeswax, ginger root and hemp oil rich balm that has 50 milligrams of CBD in each container.

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