Terrence O'KeefeTerrence O'Keefe is content director at WATT Global Media. www.wattglobalmedia.com/contact-usFrom the AuthorPet Food NewsHow important is biologically appropriate pet food?Cat and dog food diets high in animal proteins and fats and low in carbohydrates are called biologically appropriate. This pet food category is growing faster than the pet food market as a whole.Pet Food Market4 steps to your next pet food marketing breakthroughDeveloping your next breakthrough pet food marketing campaign is a four-step process that turns insights into a connection with consumers.Pet Food SafetyPetfood renderers need processor assistance for FSMA complianceThe Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) represents the most significant change in US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) food regulations in generations. Dr. Charles Starkey, technical services director, American Proteins, explained that FSMA will have a tremendous impact on renderers, because FSMA sets new regulations and standards for how food is produced and transported.Page 1 of 1