PetSafe indigo super premium dog treats


PetSafe offers its indigo line of super premium dog treats,\nincluding smokehouse strips, the fresh family four-step dental system and\ntriple chews. Smokehouse strips are made with US-grown chicken or pork and\nno artificial colors or flavors. The strips are available in one to 21 ounce\npackages. The fresh family four-step\ndental system includes a fresh gel in peppermint or eucalyptus flavors that can\nbe squirted into a dog's food dish; a fresh biscuit treat; fresh sticks\nlong-lasting chews that clean down to the gums; and fresh floss bones. Triple\nchews are infused with immune system-boosting antioxidants, have a chewy\ntexture that helps clean gums and teeth, and include a moist strip packed with\nprobiotics for proper digestive health, according to PetSafe., "