A new, patented Block-Buster Hydraulic Bulk Bag Conditioner from Flexicon conditions bags ranging from short to extra tall using hydraulically actuated rams that automatically adjust in height during conditioning cycles. The rams of the new design provide approximately six feet of vertical travel, roughly double the range of most conditioners employing scissor lifts to raise the bag, while the fixed-height turntable reduces loading deck height by about half. The user can program single or multiple heights at which the rams condition the bag, the amount of pressure applied by the rams' contoured end plates, the frequency of ram actuations and the number of 90-degree rotations of the turntable, loosening solidified materials throughout the bag for discharge through the bag spout. The system controller can be mounted remotely or on the exterior of the safety cage, which incorporates full-height, safety-interlocked doors. The unit measures 87 in. (221 cm) high x 133 in. (338 cm) wide x 78 in. (198 cm) deep, requires only an electrical power connection for operation and is available constructed of stainless steel or of carbon steel with durable industrial coatings. Hydraulic bulk bag conditioners are utilized to loosen bulk materials that cannot be loosened by pneumatically-actuated flow promotion devices integral to bulk bag dischargers. The company also manufactures bulk bag conditioners that utilize scissor-lifts and conditioners integral to bulk bag dischargers, as well as bulk bag fillers, flexible screw conveyors, tubular cable conveyors, pneumatic conveying systems, manual dumping stations, drum/box/container dumpers, weigh batching systems, and automated plant-wide systems integrated with new or existing process equipment.