One of the first reports in the literature regarding taurine was its isolation from ox bile in 1901; hence its name was derived from "Taurus" the bull. That's why, among other reasons, today it is found associated with energy drinks like Red Bull, fueling the perception of strength and vitality. Interestingly, sales of taurine are larger and growing faster in the energy drink market than in pet, infant formula or medical/nutritional applications. Whether or not it is of benefit for this use is not completely clear. Regardless, taurine nutrition of dogs and cats has been a subject of considerable intrigue for quite some time.
One of the first reports in the literature regarding taurine was its isolation from ox bile in 1901; hence its name was derived from "Taurus" the bull. That's why, among other reasons, today it is found associated with energy drinks like Red Bull, fueling the perception of strength and vitality.