Soy has become very popular in today’s human diet and health press. Newspaper and magazine articles tout the benefits of soy, and promotions for soy-enriched products seem to be everywhere, especially with the current popularity of low-carb diets. However, no mainstream pet food products promote soy as a benefit for dog or cat health. Because the market segment targeted to promote the benefits of soy (college-educated, health-conscious women) is much the same as the market targeted for pet food, one would speculate that some overlap in the soy-health message would occur. However, it hasn’t.
Why aren’t pet food manufacturers on the soy bandwagon?
Soy has become very popular in today’s human diet and health press. Newspaper and magazine articles tout the benefits of soy, and promotions for soy-enriched products seem to be everywhere, especially with the current popularity of low-carb diets.