Pet Food Product DatabaseConsumerCat treats/biscuitsWellness Pet Company Lickable TreatsWellness Pet CompanyTasty and healthy lickable treats for cats.Pureed, handheld treats that are easy to serve.Complete & balanced nutrition for adult cats.Supports digestive and immune health. Request More Info Fill out the form below to request more information about Wellness Pet Company Lickable TreatsMore From Wellness Pet CompanyWellness Pet Company donates pet food to LA sheltersThe donation aims to provide critical nutrition to pets displaced by recent wildfires in Los Angeles.Wellness Pet names Sanjay Singh CFOSingh brings nearly 30 years of retail and consumer finance experience to Wellness Pet.Wellness Pet unveils cat food, dog supplements at SuperZooCompany's latest product innovations include Appetizing Entrées for cats and Multi-Benefit Supplement for dogs.Wellness Pet Company Wellness Appetizing EntréesWellness Whimzees Natural Dental TreatsWellness Pet Food supplements lineWellness Pet Company wellness bowl boosters freshlyWellness Natural Wellness CORE Bowl Boosters pet food toppersWellness CORE RawRev Puppy and Small Breed RecipesWellness TruFood meal complements