FDA issues guidance on safety

The US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) issued guidance to the food industry advising manufacturers that peanuts and peanut-derived products used as food ingredients pose a risk of Salmonella contamination, according to a press release by CFSAN.

The US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA)  Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition  (CFSAN) issued guidance to the food industry advising manufacturers that peanuts and peanut-derived products used as food ingredients pose a risk of Salmonella contamination, according to a  press release  by CFSAN.

CFSAN also issued a companion bulletin to operators of food-service establishments and retail food stores that offer food products containing peanuts and peanut-derived ingredients.

The  FDA  will accept public comments on the guidance, which along with the bulletin was posted March 9 on the FDA's website ( Peanut-Derived Product Guidance  and  Peanut-Derived Product Bulletin ). Both are scheduled to be published soon in the  Federal Register .

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