BAX now certified for environmental testing

Food processors, who already rely on the BAX system from DuPont as a certified method for detecting salmonella in their end products and ingredients, can now use the same polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to monitor their production environments, according to a press release by DuPont.

Food processors, who already rely on the  BAX system  from  DuPont  as a certified method for detecting salmonella in their end products and ingredients, can now use the same polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to monitor their production environments, according to a press release by DuPont.

Validation studies comparing the BAX system to traditional culture methods for detecting salmonella on stainless steel, concrete and other surfaces found that the BAX system demonstrated the same level of accuracy but shaved days off the time to result.  Based on those studies,  AOAC Research Institute  has extended their certification of the BAX system salmonella assay as a  Performance Tested Method  for use on environmental samples.

"The good news for customers, especially those who require certified methods, is that they can improve operational efficiencies while saving time and money by using a single, highly reliable test - the BAX system salmonella assay - for all sample types," said Kevin Huttman, president of DuPont, in the release.

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