Functional benefits continue to gain in pet food

As health and wellness continue to command top billing in pet parents’ concerns, functional options are stepping in to provide answers to what may ail pets.

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Functional pet foods and treats are growing in popularity among pet owners, leading to an increased focus on functional ingredients within the space.
Functional pet foods and treats are growing in popularity among pet owners, leading to an increased focus on functional ingredients within the space.
Courtesy Beneo

According to the results of a January 2023 Kerry survey, 89% of U.S. pet owners agree that their pets’ health is as important as their own. It’s no surprise; the market is showing that health and wellness is a significant motivator in the way pet parents currently interact with pet foods and treats for their animals, and with humanization now firmly entrenched in the way humans take care of their furry friends, it was only a matter of time before the same scrutiny we give our own health was turned to the four-legged among us.

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