Hemp seed oil in dog food processing technology developed

Research suggests that Naturally Splendid Enterprises’ proprietary encapsulation process may protect the omega-3 fatty acids, minerals and vitamins in hemp seed oil during the dog food manufacturing process.

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image in public domain | Pixabay.com

Research suggests that Naturally Splendid Enterprises’ proprietary encapsulation process may protect the omega-3 fatty acids, minerals and vitamins in hemp seed oil during the dog food manufacturing process. The research on Hemp seed oil in dog food was conducted at the Food Science and Technology Centre in Alberta, Canada.

"The objective of this study was to confirm that our proprietary technology used to manufacture HempOmega would allow for this omega rich ingredient to be added to canine foods thus; creating a competitive advantage for Naturally Splendid over existing omega ingredients for this sector,” said Naturally Splendid CEO Dave Eto, in a press release. “The results from this study have confirmed that our omega formulation technology can be used to infuse canine foods.

“Ingredients such as omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for health and frequently consumed by humans, will soon be commonly incorporated in pet food. Increasing awareness about health-related issues concerning pets, such as obesity, creates opportunities in the pet food industry.

“According to Euromonitor, nearly all the pet food sales growth in the US is coming from premium products, which comprise at least half the market in North America,” Eto said. “This premiumization of pet foods, which includes higher-priced pet foods in traditional formats such as dry and wet products, as well as newer, high-density, freeze-dried and dehydrated foods, are all potential applications for HempOmega hemp seed oil in dog food ."

Business opportunities for hemp seed oil in dog food

"While waiting for the written report from this study, Naturally Splendid has been proactive in identifying potential clients for this unique omega ingredient in a range of canine food applications,” Naturally Splendid President J. Craig Goodwin said in a press release. ”We are already in an advanced stage of discussions with a significant North American canine food processor for inclusion into their line of canine foods as well as to collaborate on further development and applications of HempOmega. There is also opportunity for HempOmega to be available as an ingredient for private labelled canine food lines as well."

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