Petfood Innovation Workshop: ‘taste of pet food’s future’

One-day interactive workshop kicks off Petfood Forum 2017 in Kansas City

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Petfood Innovation Workshop 2017 attendees discussed the 'taste of pet food's future' via stations highlighting palatability analysis and measurement, sensory analysis, and consumer trends. | Lindsay Beaton
Petfood Innovation Workshop 2017 attendees discussed the "taste of pet food's future" via stations highlighting palatability analysis and measurement, sensory analysis, and consumer trends. | Lindsay Beaton

During Petfood Forum 2017’s Petfood Innovation Workshop, attendees gained knowledge on sensory analysis, palatability and pet food consumer insights through interactive educational “stations” helmed by industry experts. The event, held on April 3, 2017, at the Kansas City Convention Center and Kansas State University-Olathe, was the kick-off to Petfood Forum’s three-day convention and tradeshow held in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Kadri Koppel, PhD, assistant professor in Kansas State University’s Department of Human Nutrition, opened the day with a session on the role of sensory analysis in the pet food-pet-owner-pet triangle. “Consider sensory testing as one of the ways to figure out what pets and owners really like,” said Koppel. “I think that will help you along in your market success and your product success.” She highlighted the importance of the scientific method in sensory analysis, and the key role consumer research should play as an additional voice in determining pets’ preferences.

Analysis and insights: the roles of the senses in pet food formulation

There were six stations during the Workshop, each one focusing on a different element of sensory analysis, palatability or consumer insights. Attendees rotated among the stations, which ranged from a “Family Feud”-style game on pet food consumer trends to a hands-on demonstration of the various applications and effects of smoke flavorings:

Station 1: Pet Family Feud: consumer insights


The "Family Feud"-style game offered attendees the opportunity to learn about pet food consumer trends. | Lindsay Beaton

Ingredion Inc., Packaged Facts and Quiet Light Communications presented the latest data on the pet parent mindset and its influence on consumer needs. Paying homage to the popular game show, “Family Feud,” attendees split into four teams and played against each other to discover the top consumer thoughts on topics such as pet nutrition, special ingredient formulations, product safety and pet food packaging.

Station 2: Palatability mythbusters challenge

AFB International took attendees on a deep dive into palatability myths, using the latest data and a game show format that included elements from the popular Discovery Channel TV show, “Mythbusters.” The interactive format allowed participants to learn about everything from raw ingredients to the feeding experience, providing key insights and data on common palatability misconceptions (and their accompanying truths).

Station 3: Does the nose know?


The Kemin station put attendees' noses to the test with various aroma profiles. | Lindsay Beaton

Kemin Nutrisurance presented the opportunity for attendees to study various flavor profiles using their noses, highlighting the importance of understanding the various factors that can affect the shelf life, stability and flavor of pet foods. The station focused on ingredient quality and the impacts various challenges (such as oxidation and microbial degradation) can have on the finished product.

Station 4: Textures and crunch

Extru-Tech examined texture and crunch quality in kibble production, providing a detailed look at the extrusion process as it related to energy’s (both mechanical and thermal) effects on pet foods. Attendees got their hands in on the action by making dog treats, getting a close-up look at how energy can affect the end result.

Station 5: New palatability measurement tools


Diana showed attendees the importance of bridging the gap between pet preferences and pet owners' perceptions. | Lindsay Beaton

Diana Pet Food involved attendees in a multi-layered demonstration of pet food consumer profiling. Using video, data interpretation and taste clusters, the station highlighted the importance of determining and understanding the possible gaps between animal preference and human perception of said preference. The wrap-up included possible strategies for the future of palatability research and the need to focus further on refining current techniques.

Station 6: Smoke and grill: next generation taste experience

Kerry presented attendees with a smoke flavor-filled, interactive experience through cooking. Mini stations highlighted various smoke and grill flavors and their uses, including roasting/browning chicken tenders, bacon with liquid smoke, flavor and appearance with ground turkey, browning reaction with whipped cream, and tortillas with liquid smoke fractions. Those working the stations got to taste test their results as well as visually inspect them to show the capabilities of smoke as an ingredient.

Petfood Forum 2018

The Petfood Innovation Workshop was part of Petfood Forum 2017, an exclusive event serving pet treat and pet food manufacturers. At Petfood Industry’s 25th anniversary edition of Petfood Forum, attendees learned about the latest in pet food research and marketing from speakers including Randi Zuckerberg and Temple Grandin.

Petfood Forum 2018 will take place at the Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, on April 23–25, 2018.

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