Pet's, Vet's Packaging Forums to be held in February 2015

Together with the representatives of pet industry brands, pharmaceutical companies and packaging suppliers, the Paris Packaging Innovation Hub is organizing a set of conferences—Pet's Packaging Forumon Feb. 4, 2015 and Vet's Packaging Forum on Feb. 5—focusing on technology that will boost innovation in the sector.

Together with the representatives of pet industry brands, pharmaceutical companies and packaging suppliers, the Paris Packaging Innovation Hub is organizing a set of conferences—Pet's Packaging Forum on Feb. 4, 2015 and Vet's Packaging Forum on Feb. 5—focusing on technology that will boost innovation in the sector.

"Developed in close collaboration with brands a packaging experts, Pet's and Vet's Packaging Forums are unique opportunities to take stock of innovations, technical advances and packaging trends," said show organizers.

The Pet's Packaging Forum will include discussions on petfood packaging challenges and enhancing consumer experience. The Vet's Packaging Forum will highlight point of packaging and drug delivery, and the current status of packaging and dispensing innovations.

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