Insect proteins: Commercial-scale options for pet food

Black soldier fly larvae as a protein meal have emerged on the pet food ingredient scene.

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With the recent approval of black soldier fly larvae for use in adult dog foods, insect protein options bear additional consideration. | (TARAPONG PATTAMACHAIYANT |
With the recent approval of black soldier fly larvae for use in adult dog foods, insect protein options bear additional consideration. | (TARAPONG PATTAMACHAIYANT |

Wild canids like the wolf voluntarily eat insects as a small portion of their diet. Further, most pet owners have seen their dog eat a cicada or chomp down a fly, and one can’t miss the delight of their cat tormenting and then eating a spider. So, the idea of insects in pet diets is not all that far-fetched. Today, what is being evaluated is a more commercial production of insects as an alternative biomass to conventional proteins from animal and plant sources. The long-term need is to augment conventional proteins as supply continues to tighten with global population growth. This is something we need to embrace for sustainability of pet food

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