Castor & Pollux Pet Works , an Oregon, USA, manufacturer of natural petfood and treats, announced donating more than a half million meals to dog and cat shelters in the past year through its partnership with .
The website was founded in 2008 with a mission to provide food for dogs and cats in shelters. For every trivia question answered on the website, pledges to raise 10 pieces of kibble for shelters across the US. Castor & Pollux helps fulfill that pledge by donating its Organix and Natural Ultramix petfoods.
"We know we're not the world's largest petfood company or biggest shelter donor, and we salute everyone who chips in," said Castor & Pollux co-founder Shelley Gunton. "We share the value of feeding pets in need, and with FreeKibble, we're participating in a meaningful way."