What has ‘success’ meant to your company in 2021?

Learn what cat trends, charitable organizations and e-commerce all have in common: the desire to succeed.

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It’s November 2021 (is anyone else constantly double-checking their calendar to figure out where the time went?), and as we begin to wind down for the year and enter the holiday season, it behooves us to take a look at what success means in the current pet food climate. 2020 was about survival; 2021 has been about innovation and a re-evaluation of the corporate face presented to a consumer who has shifted, in some cases dramatically, their way of doing business with the companies they choose to bring into their homes and the lives of their families. So perhaps it’s no surprise that this issue of Petfood Industry takes a look at different ways to find success: through evolving trends in an underrepresented segment of pet food, creating deeper connections with the communities the pet food industry serves and navigating the increasingly deep waters of e-commerce.

Cats are having their time in the sun

When it comes to representation in the industry, the win has always gone to the dogs. But many dog owners also have cats and many cat owners have more than one feline friend, and their voices are getting louder when it comes to saying what they want for their pets. Trends well-established in pet food in general and in the dog space in particular are finding new evolutions in cat food formulations, from functional ingredients to sustainability, from health concerns to life stages. It’s a good bet that we’ll see more of such things in 2022 as companies look to gain new shelf space and new eyes on their products.

Speaking of shelf space…

As e-commerce entrenches itself in everyday business strategies, it’s important to stay on top of the keys to navigating virtual pet food store shelves. If you’re still trying to wrap your head around how various e-tail giants such as Amazon, Chewy and Walmart fit into pet food sales, we have what you need courtesy of Megan Lippert, COO of consumer packaged goods consultancy OneSpace and a speaker at our recent Petfood Forum 2021.

Charities reign supreme in November

As we do every year in November, this issue highlights some of the philanthropic efforts in the pet food industry. This year, more importantly than ever, the focus was on connection: with the community, with those who help animals thrive, and with both mankind and animalkind at large. ‘Tis the season.

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