A proposal to approve ingredients for pets

Streamlining the acceptance process would go a long way towards advancing pet nutrition options for pet food manufacturers.

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The pet food industry has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to the efficiency of ingredient acceptance regulations and processes.
The pet food industry has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to the efficiency of ingredient acceptance regulations and processes.
igoor1 | iStock.com

Everyone involved with pets should want the same thing — speedy innovation so that we continue to build products with new ingredients, new nutritional discoveries, new health claims and new products to improve the life of our family pets. To ensure this, a systematic review and approval process for new ingredients is needed to provide safety. These processes should be challenged and adjusted regularly to avoid impediments, sluggish decisions and generally poor communication. Pet ingredient approval pathways are rarely challenged, and previous ingredients do not get reviewed regularly to update naming. Ingredients are often not submitted for GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) approval or feed additive review because of long timelines, prohibitive costs and low financial return. It is difficult to challenge and quickly change historical names of ingredients in the pet food industry (for example: corn gluten meal to corn protein meal).

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