How can AAFCO help address emerging pet food health issues surrounding copper?

Copper-associated hepatopathy used to be associated with rare breeds, but has recently been rising among all dogs.

The discussion over dietary copper in dogs’ diets continues to increase in complexity as concerns over CAH grow.
The discussion over dietary copper in dogs’ diets continues to increase in complexity as concerns over CAH grow.
Violka08 I

Of great concern and discussion of late within the veterinary community has been the role of dietary copper as it affects copper-associated hepatopathy (CAH) in dogs. Once associated only with specific, rare breeds (e.g., Bedlington Terriers), its incidence has been reported to be rising in recent decades among all dogs, including breeds not previously considered susceptible to CAH. The disease causes severe liver damage and eventual death in afflicted animals. Because it may take years before clinical signs of the disease are evident, by the time CAH is usually detected the prognosis is bleak, even with dietary intervention and other treatments.

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