FDA urged to implement online process in phases

The National Grain and Feed Association, National Oilseed Processors Association and Pet Food Institute have urged FDA to phase in the implementation of its portal, Reportable Food Registry, through which facilities will be required to report food- or feed-product safety incidents, according to a news report.

The  National Grain and Feed AssociationNational Oilseed Processors Association  and  Pet Food Institute  have urged  FDA  to phase in the implementation of its portal, Reportable Food Registry, through which facilities will be required to report food- or feed-product safety incidents, according to a news  report .

FDA had announced that firms would have to report through the portal from September 8, the same day as its launch. In their written statement, the organizations have asked FDA to either extend by 45-60 days the effective date for reporting food- or feed-safety incidents through the electronic portal, or to exercise enforcement discretion for a comparable period to provide a phase-in duration.

A phase-in period would provide the agency and industry time to conduct necessary training on the use of the electronic portal, the groups said, and would give FDA additional time to improve the functionality and usability of the portal itself.

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