PFI launches fight against proposed petfood tax

The Pet Food Institute, along with the PIJAC, NE Ag and Feed Alliance, Maine Merchants Association, the Maine Association of Grocers, Hannaford Supermarkets, Wal-Mart and the Maine Oil Dealers Association, is campaigning against a proposed 6% tax on petfood in Maine.

The  Pet Food Institute , along with the  PIJACNE Ag and Feed AllianceMaine Merchants Association , the  Maine Association of GrocersHannaford SupermarketsWal-Mart  and the  Maine Oil Dealers Association , is campaigning against a proposed 6% tax on petfood in Maine.

The institute is also looking for citizens to become involved by voicing their opinions to Maine legislators ( e-mail  the agriculture, conservation and forestry committee's clerk).

For more information, call PFI's  Kurt Gallagher  at +1.202.367.1120.

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