Canidae Pet Foods has expanded its Grain Free line with two new dog food options, pureSKY and pureLAND, and has revamped the packaging of the entire line for both cat and dog food.
Canidae Grain Free pureSKY contains fresh duck with protein-rich turkey meal; Canidae Grain Free pureLAND is made with fresh bison and protein-rich lamb meal. Both options will be available in the first quarter of 2011.
The new product launch will coincide with Canidae's rollout of new packaging for the entire Grain Free line. "We wanted to honor the high quality ingredients we put into every bag by creating a look that was pure and elegant," said Frank Hon, director of operations. "This innovative design will better communicate our message of superior grain-free nutrition and make these products more attractive on the retail shelf." In addition to new packaging, the cat food products will receive new names: Felidae Grain Free Cat and Kitten formula will become Felidae pureELEMENTS; Felidae Grain Free Salmon formula will become Felidae pureSEA.