"The National Dog Show Presented By Purina" earned its best rating in eight years, when the two-hour special from the petfood brand delivered a 4.9 rating and an 11 share for NBC during the 12 pm. to 2 p.m. time period on Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 22, according to The Nielsen Company.
The rating is an 11 percent increase over 2011's rating, competing against NFL football, and the best since the broadcast did a 5.3 national household rating in 2004. NBC aired an encore presentation of “The National Dog Show Presented By Purina” on the following night, which generated a 3.0 national rating and 5 share in primetime.
Total audience figures for the two broadcasts are likely to exceed 25 million viewers, according to Nielsen. The rating is the percent of all television homes in the United States tuned to a specific program and the share is the percentage of televisions in use at that time tuned to a specific program.