Register for free Microbiological Diagnostics Validation webinar on November 22

Register for the free webinar, Microbiological Diagnostics Validation - the information that you really need to know, which will be held Friday, November 22 at 9 a.m. CT. This webinar will focus on the information and challenges involved with the selection and validation of microbiological diagnostic platforms for the detection of bacterial pathogens (Salmonella) in petfood ingredients, the processing environment and finished products.

The free Microbiological Diagnostics Validation webinar will be presented by Trouw Nutrition on November 22.
The free Microbiological Diagnostics Validation webinar will be presented by Trouw Nutrition on November 22.

Register for the free webinar, Microbiological Diagnostics Validation - the information that you really need to know, which will be held Friday, November 22 at 9 a.m. CT.

This webinar will focus on the information and challenges involved with the selection and validation of microbiological diagnostic platforms for the detection of bacterial pathogens (Salmonella) in petfood ingredients, the processing environment and finished products. The food industry has demanded faster time-to-results in microbial pathogen detection. It is key for the petfood industry customer to understand how modern rapid microbiological diagnostics might perform with their unique ingredients and finished products.

What you'll learn: 
1. Potential pitfalls in pathogen detection specific to the petfood industry
2. The benefits of a robust third-party method validation
3. Options for method modification and resources

The speaker for this webinar is Dr. Edward Richter. Dr. Richter is founder of Richter International, an independent food safety, quality, defense and research-consulting laboratory in Columbus, Ohio, USA, serving food manufacturers, including petfood, ingredient and diagnostic suppliers. The webinar will be moderated by Jessica Taylor, managing editor, Petfood Industry.

This educational webinar is brought to you by Trouw Nutrition and sponsored by Trouw Nutrition.

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