Register for the free webinar, "Mycotoxin Strategies for the 2013 Corn Harvest," which will take place November 19, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. Central and feature Dr. Raj Murugesan, technical specialist at BIOMIN, and Christy Swoboda, laboratory director and quality manager at Romer Labs.
The 2013 corn crop has been under significant stress; as a result the overall quality is a concern to livestock and poultry producers. BIOMIN and Romer Labs will discuss quality findings and possible effects to livestock and poultry.
The webinar, moderated by Feed International/Feed Management Editor Jackie Roembke, will cover the following topics:
- Prevalence of mycotoxins in North American corn 2013
- Effects of mycotoxicoses in animals
- Mycotoxin analytical service
This webinar is presented by WATT Global Media and sponsored by BIOMIN/Romer Labs.