5 strategies for improving safety, nutrition of pet food

A collection of pet food processing strategies that help ensure safety and nutritional value. Sponsored by APEC.

8 Advantages of Capacitive Digital Load Cells

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In our previous post, we discussed problems engineers and scale dealers often face when working with traditional strain gauge scales and load cells, and solutions that can improve accuracy and durability. In many cases, utilizing capacitive digital load cells can help to avoid problems posed by the strain gauge. In this post, we’ll explore the capacitive digital load cell, how it works, and advantages it provides to scale dealers and their customers.

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Improving Accuracy in Automated Processing Systems: Improving Process Design

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For automated processing to work in any industry, from food processing to chemical processing to pharmaceuticals and more, ingredients must be weighed accurately. In our previous post, we explained how to choose a load cell and scale instrument that works best for your mix. In this post, we’ll cover other factors that influence the accuracy in an automated processing system, including the feeder, system controls, scale mounting position, and surrounding environment.

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Pet Food Processing and Coating Equipment by APEC

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How much does downtime caused by equipment error cost your company? For more than 20 years, APEC has been listening and responding to the needs of companies in the pet food industry. Our pet food processing equipment will help reduce downtime and errors in your manufacturing process, while keeping a detailed tracking of your inventory and product. Not only do we provide you with peace of mind when you use our reliable equipment, we improve your bottom line through our smooth processes.

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8 Mixer Maintenance Tips to Extend the Life of Your Equipment

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Ribbon blenders, paddle mixers and other types of mixers are integral to an ingredient system. With proper maintenance, these mixers can last for decades. Without proper maintenance, they may wear out prematurely. Setting aside time regularly to perform ingredient system mixer maintenance can save you thousands in the long run. Keep these mixer maintenance tips in mind to extend the life of your ribbon blender, paddle mixer or other mixers.

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How to Make a HACCP Plan for Food and Animal Feed Manufacturers

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A hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) assessment is an essential part of food safety at every level. The Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) made HACCP assessments and plans more stringent for food manufacturers and processors, with the goal of reducing risk and improving food safety. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to make a HACCP plan specifically for food and animal feed manufacturers, and tips that can help save you time and reduce risks.

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