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Pet Food Lawsuits, Litigation: Page 2
Pet Food Safety
Lawsuit alleges Mid America Pet Food caused dog death, child illness
The lawsuit noted that family members became sick after feeding one of the ill dogs. Both dogs mentioned in the lawsuit were euthanized due to their illness.
Brand Insights
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Pet Food Lawsuits, Litigation
Purina faces lawsuit over natural claims on dog, cat food
AAFCO guidelines allow pet food to be marketed as "natural with added vitamins, minerals and trace nutrients.”
Pet Food Lawsuits, Litigation
Hill’s prescription pet food faces class action lawsuit
The plaintiffs asserted that Hill’s prescription diet was not legally obligated to be sold with a prescription, which allegedly rendered the representations made by Hill’s as false.
Ingredient Issues
Pet food science — Leading the way to healthier pets
Dr. George Collings discusses the very real pitfalls of putting scientific research and reactive opinions on the same level of validity in pet food.
Ingredients Usage Analysis
DNA barcoding finds pet food mislabeling in South Korea
A new case study highlights the importance of pet food authentication to protect pets and their owners.
Pet Food Lawsuits, Litigation
Simmons Foods offers $8 million to settle conspiracy suit
A federal judge granted preliminary approval in a settlement offer from Simmons Foods in a class-action lawsuit filed by direct purchasers.
Pet Food Regulations
Truth, clarity needed in pet food labeling
Learn about the top challenges in pet food labeling, including the ever-present caution against taking marketing language too far into misinformation territory.
Pet Food Market
More litigation trends in the pet food and treat industries
Learn about the potential pitfalls and careful considerations needed in dealing with words like “sustainability” which has no concrete legal definition.
Pet Food News
FDA ends DCM updates; No causality data with dog foods
The FDA received far fewer reports of DCM cases from 2020 to 2022 compared to the preceding two years. In total, the FDA received 1,382 reports of DCM from Jan. 1, 2014 to Nov. 1, 2022.
Pet Food News
Ohio passes prohibition of dogs, cats as pet food ingredients
The provisions against using dogs and cats in pet food may have been unnecessary.
Pet Food News
Lawsuit over PFAS, titanium dioxide in pet food or packaging
Pet food makers use titanium dioxide to whiten poultry- or fish-based products and avoid a grey appearance.
Pet Food Market
Litigation trends in the pet food and treat industries
Learn about the current trends in pet food marketing and labeling litigation, as well as some pitfalls to avoid in your own claims so you never have to worry about it.
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