A special prize for outstanding service to the pet industry was presented to Mars Petcare Germany, and "PET Personality of the Year 2014" went to founder and CEO of Qualipet Rolf Boffa. Both awards were presented by the specialist magazine PET worldwide at the International Pet Conference in Berlin, Germany.
Mars Petcare Germany has advocated the promotion of responsible pet ownership for over 50 years. Although in the early years the emphasis was more on providing information about the use and advantages of industrially manufactured petfood, the company has, since then, significantly contributed to greatly improving the relationship between humans and animals. This has not been just a result of advertising campaigns, but also due to research projects and through the support given to non-profit associations.
Qualipet AG, founded by Rolf Boffa, has been market leader in the Swiss pet retail trade for over 25 years. Today the company operates almost 90 pet retail stores in Switzerland, an online shop, a mail order company and a publishing group, the nucleus of the company. Thanks to Rolf Boffa’s tireless efforts and wealth of ideas, the quality of Qualipets’ specialist stores has constantly improved.
More than 150 visitors from 18 countries attended the conference.