Kenya petfood market set for growth

Kenya's petfood market is poised for growth as the country's wealthy catch up with the global trends of increased pet ownership and pet humanization, according to reports. According to the US Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, Kenya’s petfood market grew 27% in 2006–2010, and Kenya’s petfood imports totaled about US$960,000 in 2010.

Kenya's petfood market is poised for growth as the country's wealthy catch up with the global trends of increased pet ownership and pet humanization, according to reports.

According to the US Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, Kenya’s petfood market grew 27% in 2006–2010, and Kenya’s petfood imports totaled about US$960,000 in 2010. “People are now busier and wealthier," said Riaz Gilani, director of Kenyan petfood manufacturer Gilani Gourmet. "They have children whom they cannot spend time with [compared] to previous generations. So there are a lot of instances where a parent would be arm twisted into buying a puppy for their child. You have situations where people would rather have dogs for security, especially if they have a big compound. You also have the growing class of people who buy dogs for status [and] this is a growing trend in Kenya.”

Barriers such as high taxation, prohibitive permit requirements, fears of terrorism and high electricity costs make it difficult to do business in Kenya, said Gilani.

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