New report available from Packaged Facts

A new report, “Pet Product Marketing Trends in the U.S.: Technology, Mobile, and Social Media,” is available from Packaged Facts.

A new report, “Pet Product Marketing Trends in the U.S.: Technology, Mobile, and Social Media,” is available from Packaged Facts.

The marketing of pet products and services has been undergoing a dramatic transformation. Recognizing that pet owners consume media in an ever-evolving way, pet marketers have been at the forefront of new tactics to engage and interact with pet owners.

“Pet Product Marketing Trends in the U.S.: Technology, Mobile, and Social Media” examines the ways in which pet companies have capitalized on and continue to leverage these tactics. More specifically, the report addresses:

A wide range of cutting-edge digital technologies, including social media, loyalty programs, e-mail marketing, mobile marketing, online video, content marketing and native advertising, interactive games, paid search, display advertising and many other forms.

Pet owner technology usage trends related to smartphones, desktops/laptops, e-mail, loyalty programs, social media and mobile use.

Psychographic data for pet owners relating to Internet, mobile and social media.

Dozens of images and examples of new technologies from pet marketers – from pet food and supply brands to pet retailers to pet medications to pet treats to veterinary services to animal shelters.

This brand new Packaged Facts report provides the pet marketer with a bevy of best practices for marketing to the pet parent. The report also contains analysis of consumer technology usage trends and motivations, drawing primarily on two data sources. The first is national consumer survey data from Simmons. Through an ongoing program of telephone and booklet questionnaire surveys of a large probability sample of consumers who represent a statistically accurate cross-section of the U.S. adult population, Simmons is able construct detailed demographic profiles across various consumer product and service markets, including the chocolate market. The discussion of consumer patterns also draws on the Packaged Facts Pet Owner Survey, an exclusive look at pet owners across the country.

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