These 12 companies from Latin America have profiles in Petfood Industry’s Top Pet Food Companies Current Data. Learn more about top companies in Latin America, along with trends in annual revenues and other information, with Petfood Industry Top Companies Historical Data.
Alimentos Montes de Oro – Costa Rica
Alimentos Montes de Oro produces more than 65 types of animal feed, including several brands of dog food and a line of rabbit food. The company also markets feed for fish and livestock.
Brands - Duke, Dukan, Balu, Duketas, Rabbit Plus
Empresas Carozzi - Chile
Since entering the pet food market in 2011, Empresas Carozzi has continued a string of acquisitions to become a leading South American supplier. The Chilean subsidiary of Carozzi S.A., already active in international food and agriculture markets, purchased Nutripro in 2011 to establish pet food operations in Argentina, Ecuador and Brazil. In 2013, Empresas Carozzi grew again, with acquisition of Alicorp's pet food brands, a transaction valued at USUS$36.7 million. The move made Empresas Carozzi the leading pet food producer in Chile and Peru.
Brands Master Cat, Master Dog, Mimaskot, NutriCan
Annual Revenue 2017 - US$158,200,000
- Grandfood Industry and Trade - Brazil
Grandfood Industry and Trade owns Premier Pet and Golden brands. Premier Pet has an on-site center for nutrtion development, which houses 40 dogs and 50 cats. Grandfood is also involved in cultivation and marketing of grains, sugarcane, and eucalyptus.
Brands - PremieR, Golden
Grupo Pilar - Argentina
Grupo Pilar operates two divisions in Argentina: Gepsa Feeds and Gepsa Pet Foods. The company is the largest branded animal nutrition player in Argentina. Gepsa holds 20 percent pet food market share in Argentina, behind Nestlé and Mars. Gepsa's 12 brands cover six price segments: superpremium, premium, mainstream, standard, value and super value.
Brands - Top Nutrition, Ken-L Ration, Ganacan, Exact, Odwalla, Tiernitos Seleccion, 9 Lives, Caro Amici, Alimix, Magníficos, Winner's Choice, Mizzi Cat, Rosco, Compiches, Fishy, Zimpi
Annual Revenue 2017 - US$95,759,000
Italcol - Colombia
Italcol operates eight animal feed mills in Colombia one in Panama and one in Ecuador.
Brands - Agility Gold, Natural Bites, Chunky, Tuffy, Italcan Plus, Deli
Lupus Alimentos - Brazil
Lupus Alimentos and sister company Brazilian Pet Foods are owned by Nutriara Alimentos, which split into two companies in 2010 to better serve regional markets in Brazil. Brazilian Pet Foods has since gone out of business. Lupus Alimentos, in addition to pet food, also produces feed for horses, pigs, chickens and fish.
Brands - AllPet, BigPet, Bio Energy, Dino Cáo, Dunga, Farejador, Floop, Foster, Freddy’s, Alimento Genericáo, Kilaty, Marley, Mixtukáo, Novia Mania, Nutri Cáo, Pitoko Mix, Pitty, Pitukáo, Ringo, Show Dog, Skipper, Smart, Smax, Street Dog, Tommy, Twister, Xikáo
Malta Texo de Mexico - Mexico
Malta Texo de Mexico (maltaCleyton), a subsidiary of Neovia (ex InVivo NSA), specializes in the manufacture and sale of animal feed and is the third-largest pet food producer in Mexico. MaltaCleyton’s foods for dogs and cats, as well as a line of medicines, are sold through self-service stores, wholesalers and distributors.
Brands - Ganador, Top Choice, Poder Canino, Minino, Minino Plus
Annual Revenue 2017 - US$30,000,000
Mogiana Alimentos (Guabi) - Brazil
Mogiana Alimentos SA, operating as Guabi, manufactures pet food and other animal feed products with a total of 1,600 employees across both its animal feed and pet food divisions. As one of the largest pet food companies in Brazil, Guabi produces more than 250 products for dogs, cats, bovines, horses, pork, fish, shrimp, ostriches and other animals. Guabi pet food products are available in Brazil and more than 30 countries throughout Europe, Asia, South America and the Caribbean. Mogiana operates a joint venture with the Spanish firm Affinity Petcare (Agrolimen Group, Spain), which purchased a 50 percent stake in Mogiana in 2013, commencing a joint venture to operate Mogiana's two manufacturing plants in Campinas and Bastos, both in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Mogiana is headquartered in Campinas.
Brands - Guabi Natural, Heroi, TopCat, Cat Meal, Limpi Cat, GranPlus, Sabor & Vida, Faro, Biriba and Fiel for dogs and cats. For horses: Equitage, Nutriage, Equi Tubro, Guabi Phos. For fish: Pirá. For shrimp: PotiMar and Vannamei.
Annual Revenue 2017 - US$152,645,000
Nicoluzzi Rações - Brazil
Nicoluzzi Rações is involved in aqua feed as well as petfood.
Brands - Luzzi Cat, Luzzi Dog, NicDog, NicoCat, NicoPet
NutriPro - Chile
NutriPro is owned by Chilean food group SoinPro and is the leading Chilean pet food manufacturer with 31 percent market share. SoinPro was acquired by Empresas Carozzi in 2011.
Brands - Master Dog, Master Cat
Annual Revenue 2017 - US$100,000,000
Premier Pet - Brazil
Premier Pet, owned by agricultural corporation Grandfood Industry and Trade, sells three brands of dog and cat food through pet shops and veterinary offices. Premier Pet is located on a large campus in the state of Sao Paolo, Brazil, with a factory of 41,000 square meters. The company's on-site center for nutritional development houses more than 90 dogs and cats for research. In 2015 and 2016 this company released products with ancient grains, a low glycemic index and organic poultry to try and differentiate themselves from others in the Brazilian market.
Brands - PremieR Cookie, Golden Cookie
Total Alimentos - Brazil
Total Alimentos has its own-label partnerships with many large corporations, including Walmart, Carrefour, Extra/Canino, DentaClean and Kelko. Total Alimentos also has a line of animal feed for a wide range of species. Total operates as a subsidiary of the massive French agricultural cooperative Neovia (formerly InVivo), which acquired Total in October 2014. In addition to the dog and cat product lines to which InVivo added Total, the parent company is active in the aquaculture, equine and farm animal markets.
Brands - Equilíbrio Veterinary, Equilíbrio, Max, Max Cat, Naturalis, K&S, Lider, Nero, Doglicious and Catlicious
Annual Revenue 2017 - US$181,876,537
Pet food industry data available
Learn more about top employers of pet food professionals, along with trends in annual revenues and other information, with Petfood Industry Top Companies Historical Data. Select data sets can be purchased for download. Petfood Industry’s editors collected this information as part of their research for the Top Companies Database published on PetfoodIndustry.com and in Petfood Industry magazine.
Data sets available for download include:
- 50 Leading Petfood Producers Worldwide 2014-2017
- 30 Leading North American Petfood Producers 2014-2017
- 30 Leading Western European Petfood Producers 2014-2017