Map of Italian dog, cat and other pet food companies

Dog, cat and other pet food companies seem clustered in the north of Italy, near the cities of Turin, Bologna, Genoa and Venice. This map was created using information from Petfood Industry’s Top Companies Current Data.

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Bird in a cage in Burano, Italy, photo by pillerss,
Bird in a cage in Burano, Italy, photo by pillerss,

Dog, cat and other pet food companies seem clustered in the north of Italy, near the cities of Turin, Bologna, Genoa and Venice. The map below was created using information from Petfood Industry’s Top Companies Current Data.

In 2020, pet dog populations grew in several European nations while declining in others, according to data from the European Pet Food Federation (FEDIAF). Dog ownership increased most in Italy and the Netherlands. The dog population increased 16% in Italy to reach 8,300,000 in 2020. Italy has the fourth largest pet cat population in Europe with 7,930,000.

In 2020, the Italian pet food market grew in value and volume to exceed EUR2.25 billion (US$2.73 billion), according to Italy’s National Association for Pet Food and Pet Care Businesses (ASSALCO) and Zoomark. The Italian pet food market grew 4.2% over 2019 with a volume increase of 2% to hit 626,600 metric tons (690,708 US tons). Cat food makes up the largest portion of the Italian pet food market at 53.2% of the total value of the market in grocery, traditional pet shops and pet shop chains. 

Participate in the Top Pet Food Companies survey

The Petfood Industry Top Pet Food Companies project annually surveys pet food companies, always with an aim of expanding the reach and scope of the companies within the rankings. To be considered for inclusion in the yearly rankings, please contact [email protected]. The data is gathered each year through a variety of methods, including direct company contact (a survey is emailed to participating companies), in-depth research and estimates.

Italy-based pet food companies’ revenues 2021

Monge & C. S.p.A.

  • Annual revenue: US$385,000,000
  • Brands: Monge Natural Superpremium, Monge VetSolution, Monge Bwild, Gemon, Lechat, Special-Dog, Lechat Excellence, Special Dog Excellence, Simba, Leo’s, Grant Bonta, Artù 400

Agras Pet Foods

  • Annual revenue: US$122,720,000 ADOC, Schesir, Stuzzy 60


  • Annual revenue: US$119,060,000
  • Brands: For dogs: Migliorcane, Milgiorcane Prestige, Migliorcane Unico, Migliorcane I Preferiti, Miocane, Morando Professional, Morando Super Pet Food. For cats: Migliorgatto, Migliorgatto Unico, Migliorgatto Sterilized, Miogatto, Morando Professional, Morando Super Pet Food 104

Almo Nature

  • Annual revenue: US$82,500,000
  • Brands: Almo Nature 24

Landini Giuntini SPA

  • Annual revenue: US$81,540,000
  • Brands: Giuntini, Crancy, Kekè, Vitaday, Sandy, Pro Cane, Pro Gatto, private label 120

Effeffe Pet Food

  • Annual revenue: US$49,500,000
  • Brands: Salute 360, Froma 360, Pet 360 85

Dorado S.r.l.

  • Annual revenue: US$28,000,000
  • Brands: Exclusion 95


  • Annual revenue: US$27,190,000
  • Brands: FORZA10 Nutraceutic, FORZA10 DIET, FORZA10 Maintenance, Forza10 BIO, FORZA10 BASIC, Mr. Fruit, LEGEND FORZA10 56

Valpet SRL

  • Annual revenue: US$12,000,000
  • Brands: Dado, Dog Club, Gerald, Maxi Dog, Trails, Threpsis, Friendly, Runner, Maxi Cat, Hilary's, Raff, Naturkamp, Maxi Cat 26


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