PawCo: Plant-based, sustainable dog food

This vegan dog food company stands out in an emerging niche of the pet food market.

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PawCo’s complete, fresh vegan dog food formulas aim to sustainably mix quality plant-based protein with all the vitamins and minerals a dog needs. Here, Paco the Doodle poses with the company’s green mix & carrots formula.
PawCo’s complete, fresh vegan dog food formulas aim to sustainably mix quality plant-based protein with all the vitamins and minerals a dog needs. Here, Paco the Doodle poses with the company’s green mix & carrots formula.
Courtesy Pawco Foods

Plant-based pet food is making waves in the industry as formulators and brands grapple with a number of factors: Discussions around the long-term sustainability of meat-based options, a growing global interest in vegetarianism and veganism, and pet owners’ desires for and willingness to try alternative protein sources for their animals, to name a few. Additionally, the popularity of fresh food is growing in the premium space, as pet owners look to feed their pets similarly to how they themselves eat.

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