CRN, GOED and fish oil company say nothing is wrong with product

In response to the lawsuit filed against fish oil supplement manufacturers and retailers due to alleged polychlorinated biphenyl contamination, the Council for Responsible Nutrition, the Global Organization for EPA and DHA omega-3s and the Omega Protein Corp. are assuring consumers that the lawsuit is unfounded.

In response to the lawsuit filed against fish oil supplement manufacturers and retailers due to alleged polychlorinated biphenyl contamination, the  Council for Responsible Nutrition , the  Global Organization for EPA and DHA omega-3s  and the Omega Protein Corp. are assuring consumers that the lawsuit is unfounded.

CRN said the information disclosed during the announcement of the lawsuit "danced around the details," and offered "a lack of specificity … about the levels of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds found in the fish oil products that were tested."

Adam Ismail, executive director of GOED, said his organization has "complete confidence in the safety of the fish oil supplement market, which has been validated through multiple third-party reviews by industry watchdogs on thousands of products."

Omega Protein Corp ., a producer of omega-3 fish oil and specialty fish meal products, said it disagrees with the plaintiffs, including methods of measuring PCBs, the level of PCBs at which a warning would be required, testing protocols, and applicable industry standards.

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