The FDA announced the suspension of a petfood manufacturer's temporary emergency permit to ship its products due to a lack of compliance with the permit's mandates.
FDA inspections conducted earlier this year determined Evanger's Dog & Cat Food Company deviated from the prescribed production of the company's thermally processed low acid canned food products, possibly resulting in under-processed petfood.
Evanger's vice president Joel Sher responded June 15 in the company's blog , stating that the permit suspension stemmed from miscommunication between the FDA and his company.
Sher said the company's processing authority told the FDA he intended to file a single heating process that would cover all petfoods using the most rigorous heating process, with the intention that the heating process would add an additional layer of safety.
The FDA disagreed, stating Evanger's failed to provide
documentation on all formula types that the company intended to
include under the same heating process.
Evanger's must document corrective actions and processing
procedures in order to resume shipping in interstate commerce,
according to the