PackTV provides webTV outlet for packaging industry

PackTV is a recently-launched webTV channel targeting manufacturers and retailers, including those in the petfood industry, looking for new product packaging ideas. PackTV broadcasts new packaging options and its "10 of the Best" weekly, as well as interviews with industry leaders.

PackTV broadcasts new packaging solutions
PackTV broadcasts new packaging solutions

PackTV is a recently-launched webTV channel targeting manufacturers and retailers, including those in the petfood industry, looking for new product packaging ideas.

PackTV broadcasts new packaging options and its "10 of the Best" weekly, as well as interviews with industry leaders.

"Busy people want to see what’s new, quickly, in a fun way,” said Simon Twilley, managing director of PackTV. “That’s why we have launched PackTV. Also video is a great way to hear not only what industry experts say, but also how they say it.”

To watch, visit the PackTV website or e-mail [email protected] to receive weekly “10 of the Best” updates.

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