Minnesota, USA, man faces charges for vegan petfood production

A Little Canada, Minnesota, USA, man faces 58 counts ranging from animal cruelty to practicing without a license after producing his own vegan petfood, according to a report by Minnesota's Fox news. Prosecutors served Eric Weisman with a warrant for the criminal charges on June 15.

A Little Canada, Minnesota, USA, man faces 58 counts ranging from animal cruelty to practicing without a license after producing his own vegan petfood, according to a report by Minnesota's Fox news.

Prosecutors served Eric Weisman with a warrant for the criminal charges on June 15. When investigators searched Weisman's home in Little Canada, Minnesota, they said they found proof that Weisman was treating both animals and humans, despite not being a licensed doctor or veterinarian. Investigators also found unsanitary conditions and rodent drops when they searched his petfood business warehouse in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, according to the report.

“He put his own clients’ lives at risk - and their pets at risk - by providing medical treatment and advice, promoting health benefits of this food that it doesn’t have,” said Mike Salter, a commander with the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office.

Officials said they plan to file additional charges in the case.

The news report says that Weisman read a prepared statement, in which he said that he sells "supplements and petfood, and not treatments" and informs those seeking information from him that he is not a medical doctor or veterinarian.

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