Kansas State to hold November short course for animal feed industry

Kansas State University will hold a short course, “Establishing a HACCP Program for the Feed Industry," on November 7-10, in Manhattan, Kansas, USA. This interactive course will focus on the development of a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points plan for all sectors of the animal feed industry.

Kansas State University will hold a short course, “Establishing a HACCP Program for the Feed Industry," on November 7-10, in Manhattan, Kansas, USA. This interactive course will focus on the development of a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points plan for all sectors of the animal feed industry.

The US$475 course fee includes all handouts, breakfasts, lunches, refreshments and one dinner. The registration deadline is October 28, but course size is limited to 30 participants. Registration is available at www.afia.org. For more information, contact Anita McDiffett, from K-State, at [email protected].

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