Halo survey: pet owners to buy higher quality petfood in 2012

Petfood manufacturer Halo, Purely for Pets polled 1,045 pet owners in its "Pet Parents' New Year's Resolution Survey," which found that 69.4% of pet owners plan to purchase a higher quality petfood in 2012. Pet owners (45.9%) surveyed also pledged to help their pets lose weight in 2012.

Petfood manufacturer Halo, Purely for Pets polled 1,045 pet owners in its "Pet Parents' New Year's Resolution Survey," which found that 69.4% of pet owners plan to purchase a higher quality petfood in 2012.

Pet owners (45.9%) surveyed also pledged to help their pets lose weight in 2012. Of pet owners pledging to help pets lose weight, 68.7% will do so by providing more exercise, 44.8% by feeding a higher-quality petfood, 35.1% by feeding less food, 34% by giving fewer treats to pets, 33% by giving more nutritious treats, and 10.9% by developing a pet weight-loss program with a veterinarian.

Other findings in the pet owner survey include that nearly 95% of pet owners plan to help animals in need in 2012 and 86.8% of pet owners plan to groom their pet more regularly. The survey was conducted between December 21-23, 2011.

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