Brazilian Association of the Pet Product Industry releases new manual

The Brazilian Association of the Pet Product Industry recently published its Pet Food Brasil Manual with the goal of constantly improving petfood production. The new publication is an update of the current PIQ PET Manual, which was developed six years ago by the entity's technical groups of professionals from associated companies and universities.

The Brazilian Association of the Pet Product Industry recently published its Pet Food Brasil Manual with the goal of constantly improving petfood production.

The new publication is an update of the current PIQ PET Manual, which was developed six years ago by the entity's technical groups of professionals from associated companies and universities.

The goal of the publication is to provide the public, academic and private institutions of the pet product sector with a reference for food quality and safety. The manual also has information on technical and quality standards of raw material, nutritional parameters, applicable analytical methodologies and the ideal production conditions in order to ensure safe petfood for domestic and international markets.

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