Pets in the Classroom Grant Program receives more than US$8,000

To promote pet responsibility at an early age, the Pet Care Trust, World Pet Association and other pet-related businesses raised more than US$8,000 for the Pets in the Classroom Grant Program during America’s Family Pet Expo, held November 3-4 in Puyallup, Washington, USA. The money raised will go to helping about 50 teachers enhance their classrooms and curriculum through the aid of classroom pets, impacting nearly 2,500 students.

To promote pet responsibility at an early age, the Pet Care Trust, World Pet Association and other pet-related businesses raised more than US$8,000 for the Pets in the Classroom Grant Program during America’s Family Pet Expo, held November 3-4 in Puyallup, Washington, USA. The money raised will go to helping about 50 teachers enhance their classrooms and curriculum through the aid of classroom pets, impacting nearly 2,500 students.

The World Pet Association, host of America’s Family Pet Expo, donated booth space to the Pet Care Trust at the Expo. The Pet Care Trust hosted a betta fish toss, aquarium raffle and discounted pet store to raise funds for its Pets in the Classroom program, a grant program supporting responsible pet care in schools by providing direct grants to teachers to purchase or maintain pets in the classroom.

The betta fish toss booth raised US$1,329 for the program. The fish and supplies were donated by Hikari USA. The raffle of aquarium-related supplies raised US$988.

Additionally, the Pet Care Trust store, which sold donated pet supplies at a discounted price, raised nearly US$6,000. Donated goods and resources came from the following pet suppliers and organizations: CaribSea Inc., United Pet Group, Aqueon/Central Aquatics, Seachem Laboratories, Hikari Sales USA. Inc., Fluval/Rolf C. Hagen USA Inc., Terrascapes, Cobalt International, Segrest Farms, Sea Dwelling Creatures and Bio Bubble Pets LLC.

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