Pet care sales report offered by Research and Markets

Research and Markets now offers the Pet Care 2012 Part 1: Continued Growth in an Age of Economic Gloomreport, which found that despite continued economic uncertainty, pet humanization and premiumization have helped global pet care sales rebound relatively strongly in 2012 compared to 2011. The report is the first in a two-part global briefing from Euromonitor International that provides an overview of pet care retail sales by region and highlights best and worst performing product categories.

Research and Markets now offers the Pet Care 2012 Part 1: Continued Growth in an Age of Economic Gloom report, which found that despite continued economic uncertainty, pet humanization and premiumization have helped global pet care sales rebound relatively strongly in 2012 compared to 2011.

The report is the first in a two-part global briefing from Euromonitor International that provides an overview of pet care retail sales by region and highlights best and worst performing product categories. It also highlights emerging regions, identifies leading and emerging companies, provides pet ownership statistics and more.

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