Global animal health company Vets Plus Inc. has received SQF (Safe Quality Food) Code 7.2 Level 3 certification for manufacture of dietary supplements after an audit of the manufacturing facilities for food safety and quality management systems in September 2014. This is the highest level of certification standards set by Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI) and is recognized by foodservice providers and regulatory agencies around the world that require food safety and quality management systems by their suppliers.
SQFI sets rigorous standards to assure safety and quality of food by manufacturers, distributors and agents to cover all aspects of the food supply chain. Vets Plus is one of the first animal health supplement companies to pursue the certification at this level in the US. Level 3 certification indicates comprehensive implementation of quality management and safety procedures. “We have worked hard to implement the SQF standard protocol throughout our manufacturing processes," said Dr. Anita Sinha, director of quality management at Vets Plus. "To have achieved this certification is a great honor and indicator of the quality of products we are making here."
The SQF standards are based on government and industry food safety requirements with specialized guidance within specific categories. Qualifying companies must demonstrate their ongoing dedication to food safety and quality, which is validated during an annual recertification audit. SQF is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and is trusted by buyers and retailers around the world. “The audit process and maintenance of SQF certification at this level is a demonstration to our partners of our commitment to safe, quality animal health products," said Sinha. "We chose to pursue this certification because we are dedicated to safe manufacturing processes to ensure the highest quality products.”