Research and Markets to hold seminar on companion animal nutrition, petfood regulation

Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "An Introduction to Companion Animal Nutrition and Pet Food Regulation" conference to its offerings. The seminar will take place April 8-9, 2014, at the Rembrandt Hotel in London, England.

Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "An Introduction to Companion Animal Nutrition and Pet Food Regulation" conference to its offerings. The seminar will take place April 8-9, 2014, at the Rembrandt Hotel in London, England.

According to Research and Markets, benefits of attending include:

  • Gain an overview of the petfood market
  • Understand industry regulations and directives
  • Comply with labeling and legal requirements
  • Consider feed formulations and ingredients
  • Discuss feed processing and manufacturing
  • Gain an insight into costs and budgets
  • Take away key points on petfood testing
  • Learn about the physiology of cats and dogs
  • Better understand digestion, absorption and metabolism

The seminar will provide a comprehensive introduction to companion animal nutrition and the regulatory requirements applicable to petfood. The course will provide an overview of the market, cover legal requirements, labeling, formulation and ingredients as well as feed processing and manufacture. Digestion, absorption and metabolism of the companion animal will also be discussed. The interactive workshop sessions will enhance the learning experience of the delegates and there will be ample time for discussion of the complex issues to consider.

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