Canada-based pet treat company seeks funding for expansion

Crocx Inc., a French-Canadian company that produces 100% natural, 70% organic treats for dogs and horses, is aiming to collect CAD$4500 by June 1, 2014, for itsKickstarter campaign. Funding will go toward hiring a full-time employee, improving organization, expanding output with the use of new, efficient equipment, acquiring food certifications and adding air conditioning to the production facility.

Crocx Inc., a French-Canadian company that produces 100% natural, 70% organic treats for dogs and horses, is aiming to collect CAD$4500 by June 1, 2014, for its Kickstarter campaign.

Funding will go toward hiring a full-time employee, improving organization, expanding output with the use of new, efficient equipment, acquiring food certifications and adding air conditioning to the production facility. With enough help, the horse and dog treats will also be made available to people in other countries, including the US, according to Crocx.

Pledge levels have been created to help generate donations. Levels extend from a CAD$5 donation which gets a big thank you, to the CAD$2500 pledge, which not only gets the thank you, but a Crocx sticker, poster, basket of Crocx cookies, two 500g cookie bags each month for a year, three 3kg buckets of cookies for the shelter of the donor’s choice, plus future products not yet launched.

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