Kansas State pet food event focuses on treats, research

During Petfood Innovation Workshop and the Kansas State Pet Food Experience, attendees learned the latest research and made pet treats with new ingredients.

During Petfood Innovation Workshop, pet food professionals experienced hands-on stations making pet treats using new ingredients such as sorghum and miscanthus.
During Petfood Innovation Workshop, pet food professionals experienced hands-on stations making pet treats using new ingredients such as sorghum and miscanthus.

Petfood Innovation Workshop and the Kansas State University (KSU) Pet Food Experience, held October 28-30 on the KSU campus in Manhattan, Kansas, USA, attracted nearly 200 pet food professionals who learned the latest pet food research from KSU faculty and made pet treats using new ingredients.

The event participants, who came from throughout the US as well as several other countries, heard from Kansas Deputy Secretary of Commerce Steve Kelly and Secretary of Agriculture Jackie McClaskey about what the state is doing to attract, support and grow pet food businesses and exports. In addition, Kathy Gross, PhD, director of global clinical nutrition and claims for Hill’s Pet Nutrition, and John Kuenzi, CEO of Rubicon Scientific and former president/CEO of premium pet food manufacturer C.J. Foods, shared their insights and experiences with pet food innovation. KSU faculty presented their research on extrusion, sensory applications, vitamin degradation, contaminant mitigation, sorghum usage and insect infestation in pet food.

During Petfood Innovation Workshop, attendees participated in hands-on stations, learning how to make pet treats using new ingredients such as sorghum and miscanthus, as well as new applications for gelatin, brewer’s yeast and palatants.

A new Petfood Innovation Workshop will take place during Petfood Forum 2016, on April 18, at the KSU Olathe campus near downtown Kansas City, Missouri, USA. The 2016 Workshop will focus on high-meat inclusion and formulations in pet food and treats.

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